New Music and Virtuality
When was the last time you listened to music without a technical tool? Without headphones or speakers? Without CDs, MP3 files or streaming services that offer playlists customised by self- learning algorithms? Anna Vermeulen takes a deep dive into the links between new music and virtuality.

New Music and Virtuality has been created in the context of the project 3 x new.
3 x new stands for new music from the twenty-first century, new media and new audiences. The art music from the still young twenty-first century is often designed by a multidisciplinar character: stage direction, light design and scenography conquer the traditional stage and the understanding of the concept ‘music theatre’ gets a much wider definition than the classical opera.
Technology is everywhere: computer programs, video and even social media are part of the artistic resources of composers. In this hyperdiverse field MATRIX searches for starting points to get a larger audience acquainted with the music that is been written today. We selected four subjects, on which we focus on one by one for two years: new music and video, new music and interactivity, new music and theatre and the virtual concert hall. With customized guest readings and workshops in classrooms and the publication of additional and accessible background information, MATRIX wants to encourage young people and adults to get over their cold feet and wants to open ears and mind to the music of this century.
3 x new is supported by Cera. With about 400.000 associates Cera is the largest coöperation of Belgium. Cera brings together people, resources and organisations, joins forces, takes initiatives and realises valuable projects with a clear purpose: all together investing in welfare en well-being.