

…with the goal to bring these communities closer together around a common musical repertoire. MATRIX, as the ISCM Flemish Section, is a member of this consortium. The international umbrella of…

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No(w) Brass

…de route, and we can offer support in realising projects that arise from the use of this collection of scores. Download Colofon This publication is available in Dutch and English….

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…Music and Theatre Interface to the World No(w) Piano No(w) Saxophone Musica Futurista No(w) Guitar The Pluriverse of Lucien Goethals Getekende Klanken Contemporary Music in Flanders Series Flemish Composers Database…

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New Music and Virtuality

…Belgium. Cera brings together people, resources and organisations, joins forces, takes initiatives and realises valuable projects with a clear purpose: all together investing in welfare en well-being. Back to overview…

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Contemporary Music in Flanders Series

…since 1950 Downloaden Volume 3 Flemish Symphonic Music since 1950 Downloaden Volume 4 Flemish Ensemble Music since 1950 Volume 5 Flemish Music Theatre since 1950 Volume 6 Flemish Tape Music…

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No(w) Saxophone

In No(w) Saxophone, the latest edition for part-time art education and amateur musicians, saxophone player Peter Verdonck and MATRIX have compiled 8 contemporary pieces for saxophone. This selection deals with…

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New Music and Video

…has increased steadily in recent years. Melissa Portaels investigates how the two disciplines are being interwoven more and more often into an inseparable whole. Download New Music and Video has…

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New Music and Theatre

Theatrical elements such as movement, stage direction, and stage design play a central role in many contemporary compositions, without these works necessarily falling under the more traditional header of ‘music…

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About ISCM-Flanders

…the activities from ISCM-Flanders and became the official representative of Flanders in the ISCM. In order to maintain the quality and to remain broadly based, the former membership structure of…

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…would be interested in a workshop? Our team is eager to help in all these matters (and many more)! General info MATRIX [New Music Centre] Minderbroedersstraat 48 3000 Leuven BELGIUM

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…for literature on music composed before 1950, you can also have a look at the collections at the Erasmushuis or at various other collections within the KU Leuven University Library….

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Visit the library

…on site from our library staff. Are you short in time? Send us your list of titles (and callnumbers) beforehand via e-mail and we’ll make it ready for pick-up. Opening…

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Browsing the collection

…help you, there is this non-exhaustive list. All search results appear in a on relevance ordered list. At the left column, you can choose for an alphabetic ordered list (on…

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Privacy policy

…eisen dat de persoonsgegevens die op hem betrekking hebben zo snel mogelijk worden gewist wanneer die gegevens niet langer noodzakelijk zijn ten aanzien van de doelein*]}*den waarvoor ze werden verzameld

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The Pluriverse of Lucien Goethals

…was born in Ghent, but was raised in Argentina. The Spanish language and Argentinian culture would always remain essential for him. In 1946, he returned to Ghent to study organ,…

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No(w) Guitar

…we feel they be performed by young and/or beginning music students. Throughout this compilation, young musicians are introduced to various extended techniques, contemporary instrument preparations, the use of a click-track…

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Nieuwe muziek en interactiviteit

…een plotse stilte, gevolgd door zwart-witbeelden van militaire doelwitten die de lucht in worden geblazen. Interactie, het gebruik van elektronica en de link naar onze hedendaagse wereld, staan centraal in

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…to the World: On Interactive Music’ Internet, tablets and smartphones create endless new possibilities for the creation, performance and presentation of music. MATRIX invited music journalist Monika Pasiecznik to explore…

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…to organize an event or performance that includes the music of Goeyvaerts? If you are interested in including our pop-up exhibition, do let us know. In the context of Goeyvaerts…

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Interface to the world: On interactive music

…and technology. The result is an overview of interactive music, from its past to its present, and even its future. Download Interface to the world has been created in the…

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